
Voice Search Technology impacts on Google Search

Over the past couple of years, the way people search online for any information has changed significantly.  40% of adults rely on Voice Search to help every day, whether they’re finding a restaurant in town, weather information, direction or anything they’re looking for online.  Digital assistants like Siri and Cortana have grown as successfully as their ability for recognizing human speech has improved, and Android devices’ assistant Google voice search help user navigates their smartphones and other devices. ComScore - “ By 2020, half of all searches will be voice searches. ” Before Digging into the Impacts of Digital Marketing or SEO. let us know about the below questions that generally come to our mind. What is a Voice Search? Who’s actually using Voice Search? What are we using it for? How is it different from Text input? What Does Voice Search mean for SEO ? All of above questions have been a